Sunday, July 3, 2011

The sun came through the south-east window positioned odd
but it burned my eyes like a summer one
It enticed me to imagine that it might be more temperate out there
than I thought.
So, I walked out of the door into it's light
where the wind from the west swiftly ditched in line,
reminding me that it's his turn at the seasonal wheel.
It chilled me to the bone.
"It's not warm," was the reminder.

Alright, alright, a girl can hope, can't she....

I was glad that I put on the gray and red flannel,
the one with the quilted lining,
and that I'd found some heavy boy socks to slip into.
Tip-toeing across the stones to get to the truck,
a couple of pulls of the frozen passenger door
and it reluctantly creaked open to let me in.
It knows what's coming and I wasn't expecting cooperation,
not in these temperatures.
So, I didn't sit in it,
I just leaned over the seat and turned the key.
And even though I only half expected it,
the dependable Red Rover growled it's yawn.
I should know better.
Good old truck.
I flipped, flipped, flipped each dial
to call open the fan to offer me some full-on heat.
It blew, "All I got is cold right now."
I was fine with that.
"Shiver here a minute," I said, "and find your bearings. You'll warm up in no time."
It just hummed and blew.

The beagle had followed me out.
She ran back and forth in the front yard,
excited and full of energy.
A new day for her, in her new life
and she has a 10 or more year lease on it
If her luck holds out.
I thought, "Her confidence soars when she's out of the house."
I tip-toed back to the front and stood on the step for a minute,
whistled for her
and she ran sideways to me.
She runs sideways.
She came right to me, her savior,
assured that her reward would be in heaven,
or in a shiny stainless steel bowl in the laundry room
it's all the same to her.


  1. Do I remember this from another time? And there you go... making me shiver in July.

  2. Yes, you do! Hi there :). How is everything in your neck of the woods??
